Better than Rum and Gun Powder
In the heart of St. Fleur de Lis, we, the French Caribbean women, are known as "Annies." We embrace the essence of our island home and its sun-kissed tropical fruits, ripe with life, by dancing the streets in historic Tampa Bay in colorful bespoke wardrobe. We gather the radiance of turquoise lagoons, the delicate dance of butterfly wings, and sweet sugar mills that we craft into a tasty Pirate’s Rum to entertain our fellow Krewes!
The Legend
Legend tells of Blackbeard sailing in the Caribbean waters on his flagship “Queen Anne’s Revenge.” He spent many days and nights enjoying the cool breezes and intoxicating libations of the island, hosted by Annies. Blackbeard left us to fight what would be his final battle off the coast of South Carolina. When leaving, he gave us his pirate’s code, promising he would navigate back to us soon. While most say he is dead, the Annies say his spirit lives on through their legacies, sweet handcrafted Pirate’s Rum, lavish adventures, and fulfilling lifestyle